Backpack Program
The Backpack Program is a ministry where backpacks or other bags are filled with a food so that children in need can get the food to last them through the weekend and help provide some extra food for consumption throughout the week. Each week, MMC fills 50 bags of food to deliver to Marion schools. Each student we support receives 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, 2 dinners, 4 snacks, and 2 drinks. That’s more than 800 food items each week.  
Here’s how you can help:
1) Prayer. Please pray for this ministry and all the students who will benefit from it.
2) We need volunteers to gather, pack and deliver the food.
3) We need any financial support you are willing to offer to the Backpack Program.
4) We need you to help provide the food for the backpacks. 
Items needed: (may be dropped off at the church office or placed in the donation bins in the Narthex)
Raisins, fruit treats, fruit cups, juice boxes, Vienna sausage, Chef Boyardee, cheese crackers and other snack crackers not processed in a plant with peanuts, pudding cups (that don’t require refrigeration), applesauce, mac and cheese, soup, soup, corn and green beans with pop top lids, oatmeal, Nutri-Grain bars, Pop-Tarts.